Unless stated otherwise, all poetry on Swimming in Lines of Haiku is Copyright Kirsten Cliff and may not be reprinted in any form without written permission from the author. kirsten(DOT)cliff(AT)gmail(DOT)com

Friday, April 1, 2011

April PAD Challenge: Personal Mythology Prompt Day One - Recycling the First Dream

Poem #1

golden dry fields
of the African plains

a lion

coming towards me
flowing mane

Copyright © 2011 Kirsten Cliff
For the prompt used to write this poem, please go here.


  1. A lovely sense of golden strength and softness!

  2. Thank you so much for the positive feedback! :)

  3. I wish I could have dreams like that Kirsten! Mine more often than not seem to reflect free floating anxiety: having to move again, forgetting my locker combination, being late for a test... I love yours!

  4. Well the poem isn't the dream. The prompt was to write down a dream from childhood - my most vivid one was a nightmare where a lion chased me; terrifying. So the poem that has resulted from the further following of the prompt (to write down things like people and places in the dream, verbs and nouns, etc., then chosing the words you're drawn to to write a poem from - dream realted or not) ended up in turning the nightmare into something beautiful. I'm very pleased with what I came out with. Glad you enjoyed it, Cara :) Why don't you have a go at the prompt and turn one of your dreams of angst into words of comfort?

  5. lovely blog..

    welcome share 1 to 3 poem s with our poetry potluck week 29,

    we are open until Wednesday, 8pm..

    Hope to see you in.


  6. Thanks for stopping by :) Will check it out!
