Unless stated otherwise, all poetry on Swimming in Lines of Haiku is Copyright Kirsten Cliff and may not be reprinted in any form without written permission from the author. kirsten(DOT)cliff(AT)gmail(DOT)com

Friday, May 6, 2011

Check Out My Updated Website

Some exciting news for me this month is that my website has finally been updated! Many thanks to my immortal beloved, Cameron Elliot, who originally created my website in secret as one of my birthday presents nearly two years ago.

Up on the site are new links to my writing, information about what services I'm currently able to provide and poetry journal covers that have featured my photographic images (more covers coming in July and September 2011).

Do go over and take a look and let me know what you think - Kirsten's Website


  1. What a great birthday present - a wonderful way to bring together all the threads of your life!

  2. Thanks, Janice.
    I cried when he first showed it to me as he'd been working away in secret for about a month late at night getting it ready. Very cool!

  3. Thanks for stopping by, Kat, and leaving such kind words :)
    Happy writing to you!
